ADF: Get Metadata Activity stopped working

by Jul 1, 2019

Meta Data Activity

Today my pipelines in Azure Data Factory (ADF) suddenly stopped working. The output structure was not found. Quit strange while these pipelines have been running for weeks.




Invalid Template

After debugging my Pipeline I found out the output.structure couldn’t be evaluated.

















Field List

I don’t know when this option was added, but if you open the Get Metadata Activity you will find under Dataset the option Field List

ADF METADATA Error field list








The only thing I needed to do get my previous output back was adding structure as an argument. The structure will take care of the Metadata of my table and will be used in the Copy Data Activity.










After rerunning my Pipeline the error was gone.ADF METADATA working









I changed all my pipelines and the processes where running fine again. I took me bit to find out what the exact error was.


Hopefully it will save you some time after reading this blog.

More about the Get Metadata Activity can be found here .

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