Service Healths in Azure

Service Healths in Azure

Creating Service Health Alerts in Azure

Azure Portal

In the Azure Portal go to Monitor – Service Health – Health alerts


If you have created alerts before you will see them over here. Assuming you haven’t created an Alert before, we will start to create an Alert.

1 Define Alert Condition:


Select the correction Subscription

Select the Azure Services where you want to get an Alert for

Select the Azure Region

And for this Alert Condition we will select only the Service issue as the Event Type.

2 Define Alert Details


Define Alert Rule name CustomerName – Service Issue Alert

Define Description

Select the Resource Group where you want to save this Alert. I’ve created a seperate Resource Group where I store everything which is related to Monitoring of my Azure Environment.

3 Define Action Group

The last step of the alert Creation is to setup how we want to notify people. I the example below I will care take about the  Action Group Type Email/SMS/Push/Voice









Fill in your email address






Fill in your email address and make your sure you install the Micrsosoft Azure app on your phone to receive push messages.









You also have the possibility to define multiple Action Groups.

Next time I will write how to change your Action Group to add or remove Members.

Thanks so much for reading through this article today, and I hope you all take some time to try it out. It’s will make your life easier.

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