Scottisch Summit 2021(Video)

Scottisch Summit 2021(Video)

Recording of my session during Scottisch Summit 2021

Is there a way that we can build our Azure DataFactory all with parameters based on MetaData?

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Rerun Pipeline activities in Azure Data Factory

Rerun Pipeline activities in ADF! As of today you can rerun or partially, yes you’re reading it correct partially, rerun you Azure Data Factory pipeline.Where you previously had to run the entire Pipeline again, you can now run a part of the Pipeline. This can save a...

Microsoft Build 2022 Book of News

Microsoft Build 2022MSBuild 2022 has just started. A lot of new Announcement will be released or demonstrated the upcoming days. Like every year or event most of these announcement are added to the Book of News.The book of news can be downloaded from the link below...

Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023

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A new year with a new job

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Microsoft Fabric pricing (Preview)

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Azure Purview MSIgnite Spring 2021 Announcements

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Proud to be an ADF Hackathon winner!

Azure Data Factory HackathonAround the clock During the event 'Around the clock Azure SQL and Azure Data Factory' event on Feb 3, 2021, they kicked-off the Azure Data Factory (ADF) Hackathon. Recording of this event can be found here.Winner I submitted a ADF Pipeline...

Updated competency exams and certifications Data Platform and Data Analytics for 2020

Retiring and new exams and certifications as of June 30 2020 A lot of Exams and certifications for Data Platform and Data Analytics are retiring on June 30 2020. All retired Exams and certifications will remain eligible for competency attainment and renewal until June...

Service Health Alerts in Azure

Maintenance and Service Healths in AzureI get often questions, is there no maintenance in Azure. Like every data center, the Azure data center also needs maintenance. You can even be notified when a specific service, in a specific data center, has scheduled...

Azure Purview Public Preview Starts billing

Billing for Azure Purview(Public Preview)As of January 20th 2021 0:00 UTC Azure Purview will starts billing.Preview From January 20 ,2021 Azure Purview will start billing. During the Public Preview, you will only be billed if you exceed the 4 capacity units for Azure...