A new year with a new job

by Dec 11, 2019

Changing jobs

After almost 11 years and 4 months I have decided to leave Axians and to start a new adventure in the new year.

On January 2, 2020 I will start my day as Lead Data and AI at Inspark

New Job

The past years have flown by. I started at Eniac BI, which was subsequently taken over by Imtech ICT and finally Imtech ICT was again taken over by Axians.
The last acquisition was an exciting period, but we have all become stronger.
Together with my colleagues we have set up a nice Business Unit in Zaltbommel. We have had many wonderful moments together, in both good times but also in the more difficult(bad) times.
Beautiful moments also include the less beautiful moments, the sudden death of my former Director.
Again when writing this message I think of him, he was the person who hired and believed in me and that is always a special moment.

Within Axians I have been able to follow a good career path, where I started as a Medior BI Consultant at Eniac, with help from my network, my clients and of course my colleagues to my current role as Microsoft Solution Architect.

All those years I have worked with great pleasure at Axians, thanks to everyone who contributed to that.

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