Yeah My website is Finally Live

by Feb 1, 2019

Yeah, my first built website is LIVE

The last couple of weeks I’ve been working hard to design my website and finally the moment is there. My website live and I’m really proud.


Building my own website

The last couple of weeks/months I’ve been working hard… to design my own website and finally the moment is there! My website is live and I’m really proud that I can show it to you.


I have never built a website with WordPress.
The last time I built a website was 10 years ago, with Joomla. I needed to learn everything from scratch and as everybody know, learning from scratch takes a while.
But with some help here and there, I made the building of the website my own. Thanks in part to all the advice from my colleague Joke, thanks for this.

Divi Builder

The website is build with Divi Builder, the Divi Builder Plugin is a stand-alone Drag & Drop page builder plugin which can be downloaded from This builder is really ease to use and I can certainly recommend it to everyone. You better invest time in writing content than in building pages for the website.

In case you have some comments or advice about the website, just let me know.

First articles and blogs

Also hope you are going to enjoy my blogs and articles. When you like to receive the latest news, please subscribe on the website or send me a message.


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