My Sessions at DataSaturdayNL 2019

by Oct 13, 2019

DataSaturday NL 2019

Date: 5 th October

Location: Pathé Leidsche Rijn

Data Saturday Holland is the new name for SQL Saturday Holland. A new start a new location and wow what a top location, Pathé Leidsche Rijn. A cinema with 7 screens and ranging from 180 to 668 seats.

Speaking Dinner

The speaker dinner on Friday evening started with a climb of the Dom tower in Utrecht. Unfortunately, due to the renovation, we were unable to reach the top entirely, but we have achieved the 318 steps upwards. At the same time we were briefed about the history of this tower. After the climb we had a nice dinner together.


Saturday the day of the event started early, the event was sold out with 750 tickets. Due to illness of 1 of the speakers I was asked to give an extra session. It’s always an honor when they ask you to do an extra session. There was not much time left to prepare, but it worked out eventually. After this session the other session followed immediately. I did this session together with Ahmed Mansour. I had never did co-present a session before, but I really enjoyed it and will certainly do this more often. It brings a lot of variety during a session, but the session also becomes more interactive. In addition, the fun Ahmed and I had during the preparations was definitely worth it.

Thank you

Thanks again to the organization and the crew, and of course all sponsors because without sponsors it is almost impossible to organize such a big event. As usual, it was another top event and I am already looking forward to next year.

The presentations of DataSaturdayNL and sample code can be found here.

Recorded Sessions

This is the first time I have recorded a session. Nice to see again, but also to learn from it again.

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