DataMinds 2018

by Oct 20, 2018

An event in the Footbal Arena from Gent!

Two days after SQLSatholland it was time for DataMinds Connects, which was held in beautiful Belgian Ghent. The location for this event was in the stadium of KAA Gent.

Because the organization of SQLSatHolland and DataMinds worked well together, top speakers where
present again.

Great event for Speakers

Nice detail, the speaker room was in the Presidential SkyBox with a very nice view in the Stadium.20181015_08325720181015_082654

And every speaker had his own football shirt.
During this event I talked about Migrating your On Premise database to Azure SQL Data Warehouse



Migrate to Azure SQL DataWareHouse

Have you ever tried to migrate your DataWareHouse (DataVault) solution to a Azure SQL DataWareHouse? Azure SQL DW is a MPP system and requires a lot of changes to your current solution.
What are the best practices for Migrate your solution? Why should you migrate to a Azure SQL DW? I did, and would like to share my experience. During the session I spoke about Distribution keys, Replicated Tables, identity Colums, CTAS, scaling, pausing, monitoring and much more.

Great Feedback

The session was well attended and the feedback was very good afterwards. I’m enjoying every time again to share my knowledge with the Community. Speaking at events always gives me a lot of energy.


Compliments to the organizers Benni, Stijn and Frederik

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