My Session at DataMindsConnect 2019

by Oct 14, 2019

DataMindsConnect 2019

Date: 7 and 8 th October

Location: Lamot Mechelen

Conference number 3 within 7 days and this time in Mechelen.The location for this conference is in an old beer brewery in the center of Mechelen. Datamindsconnect is the largest Dataplatform event of the BeLux with more than 400 participants. Day 1 consists of various Pre-cons and day 2 consists of 36 different sessions.

Speaking Dinner

Where else can the speaker dinner be held in Belgium? A Belgian beer café with a tasty barbeque. Was a very successful evening with a beer tasting with chocolate at the end. The owner was very proud and enthusiastic about the different tastes.

Thank you

Benni and all other members of the organization and volunteers, thanks for the hospitality, it was again well organized. All sponsors thank you for your support of the event, because without you,  organizing an event is not possible. I am already looking forward to see you all next year.

The presentations of DatamindsConnect and sample code can be found here.

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