My Virtual Session at SQLBits 2020

by Oct 5, 2020

SQL BITS 2020, the greatest data show 

Last week was SQL BITS week.

After the event was moved from April to September, it eventually became a Virtual event. Setting up a Virtual event requires a lot of adjustments in the Organization.



All regular sessions had to be recorded in advance so that during the event itself it could not go wrong.
For some of us this was new and others have done it before. In any case, it was new to me, but the organization did everything it could, to help us with various sessions in which everything was explained and in which we could ask all kinds of questions. Thanks for that.

Is it strange to pre-record a session?

Yes, it is, you are trying to find an environment in which you have no ambient noise, a good microphone and a good camera. But you don’t always have an influence on ambient sounds. And presenting to a webcam is strange.

After practicing my session again, I recorded my session in one go and did not edit anything in the session. After all, something can always go wrong or go in a different way in a session, even if you record it in advance. Once you start adjusting or editing that, the end is lost and a lot of time goes into it. But also the charm of  a session is gone. After all, we are data professionals and not movie stars.

My Session

Back to the day itself, half an hour in advance I could log in to my session and must say that it was quite exciting. Would the video start, how do I come across and some more questions where in my head?
But all nerves for nothing, the session started right on time. In the meantime I had created a few polls which you could have the audience answer in between.
But also being able to answer the questions live during the session and sometimes even with a link to some extra information was now easy.SQL BITS Poll

I was delighted to see at the outcome of the last poll, most of the people who attended my session will now start using Azure Key Vault in their day-to-day work. In the end that’s why we do it for(help or advice others).

My presentation can me found here.


I saw a very great event, the quality of the sessions were very high. And there was so much choice, but luckily they will be soon available to watch On-Demand.
A big round of applause to the entire organization, you have organized a fantastic event with a super nice portal, including exhibitor hall, networking, chat rooms and much more. Thank you for having me and see you next year.



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