My Virtual Session Scottish Summit 2021

by Feb 27, 2021

Scottisch Summit 2021

This Saturday I’ve been speaking during Scottisch Summit 2021. It was my first Summit, but is was a great event, with more than  400 sessions covering the full Microsoft Stack in 7 different language English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Polish. Proud that I was to able to join and to present.

Scottisch Summit 2021

Azure Data Factory

I presented a session on if there is a way that we can build our Azure Data Factory all with parameters based on MetaData?

In the beginning of my sessions the audio wasn’t that well. I just double checked my uploaded recording and in there audio was fine.

You can watch the recording of my session Scottisch Summit 2021

Code from my demos can be found here.

You can find my slides below on Slideshare:

In case you have any questions left please feel free to ask them via the comment or Socials.

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