by Mar 14, 2022


What a great time I had

Wednesday 9th of March the time had finally come, at 1830 my plane would leave for London City. After all the preparations over the past few weeks, the time was there. After arriving in London City and checking in at the hotel, I went straight to the Venue. Wednesday evening was dominated by Games and Burgers. But for me it’s mainly about having a chat with many people. Wow that was a really long time since I’d seen some of them.

Excel London


This year I volunteered for the first time. That means being at the site early every day at 7:30 AM. After we have had the briefing, each volunteer can take up his task. For me, these tasks mainly consisted of monitoring and moderating various sessions, so that the speaker can focus on his sessions and that any questions from the Virtual attendees could be passed on to the speaker. In addition to monitoring this session, you serve as a source of information and an example for visitors and you are part of the Orange Family.

SQLBITS Volunteer


On Friday it was finally time to present my own sessions. I started the day with my session on:

Lake Database with Database Template and Mapping Data with Azure Synapse Analytics

Microsoft asked me to present me this session during SQL Bits in the Cloud Scale Analytics solution area.
Once again thank you Tony and Wee Hyong for inviting me.
The room was well filled and there were quite a few questions, which is always very nice as a speaker.
One of the questions I didn’t have the answer on was:
If you use Power BI on a Lake Database, will the data be read via the Synapse SQL Serverless Pool or directly from the Data Lake.
The data is read via the Synapse SQL Serverless Pool and the costs are also charged for this.
A good question that I hadn’t thought about beforehand.


My slides can be found on SlideShare


Data Governance with Azure Purview – Ask the Experts

In this session, everyone had the opportunity to ask Victoria, Wolfgang, and me for all of their questions about Azure Purview. During the session we were helped by Richard, who moderated all the questions. We had received a decent set of questions in advance and also during the session many questions were asked by both the Virtual attendees and the in Person. All in all we have given good answers, got some great feedback. It was the first time that we did an Ask the Expert session and we said to each other that we should definitely do this more often.

Final Word

The Friday evening was traditionally closed with a theme party and some can empathize with that. I’ve seen the craziest costumes pass by.
Saturday I attended sessions all day. We ended the day with the some and drinks in an Italian restaurant.
Sunday was the day of departure, testing and checking in. I can look back on this event tired and satisfied. Once again a big compliment to the organisation, volunteers and speakers for organizing this fantastic event. See you next year.

And Sponsors thank you for making this event happening. Thank you


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