My First Blog Post SQLSatHolland 790

by Oct 15, 2018

Yeah, my first blog is LIVE

After a good talk with Reza Rad from RADACAD during SQLSatHolland, I decided to start my first blog!
Knowledge sharing is very important, it gives me a lot of energy. But it also gives others people in the community energies to pick up new activities. That is the main reason to start this blog.

Now back to SQLSatHolland, which was held on October 13th in Utrecht. This free event is very well attended and with 550 attendees it is one of the largest SQLSaturday’s in the world. Not everyone who registered did show up, but that was mainly due to the extremely hot weather in the Netherlands, 28 degrees in October.

International top speakers
This year there were again international Top speakers to Utrecht, compliments for the organizers André, Peter and Joost and many others. Organizing such a big event is already a challenge, but finding international speakers is not easy either.

Azure Data Factory V2
This year my session was about Migrating to Azure SQL DataWarehouse with Azure Data Factory V2, this was the first time I presented this session, so extra exciting for me. You can find the session details here 

Enthusiastic audience
The session went very well and the room was crowded. You can be very exited about your session, but it is always the question whether others like your session as well.

I got some nice compliments after the session and that is one of the reasons you end up doing it

It was a great day, spoke to a lot of people, see you next year.


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