SQLBits 2020(Video)

by May 17, 2021

All sessions of SQLBits 2020 have been made available to everyone and can now be viewed via their Youtube channel. To make it easier to find a recording of your choice, a number of playlists have been created:

Developer SQLBits 2020 – Developer sessions
High Availability and Disaster Recovery SQLBits 2020 – High Availability and Disaster Recovery 
Containers SQLBits 2020 – Container sessions
Azure SQLBits 2020 – Azure
AI / ML SQLBits 2020 – AI and ML sessions
Performance Tuning SQLBits 2020 – Performance Tuning sessions
PowerBI SQLBits 2020 – PowerBI sessions


Recording of my session during SQLBits 2020

Azure Key Vault, Azure Dev Ops and Data Factory how do these Azure Services work perfectly together!

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