DataSaturday NL 2019

by Oct 13, 2019

Recording of my session on DataSaturdayNL 2019 Can we store our Connectionstrings or BlobStorageKeys or other Secretvalues somewhere else then in Azure Data Factory(ADF)? Yes you can! You can store these valuable secrets in Azure Key Vault(AKV). But how can we achieve this in ADF? And finally how do we deploy our DataFactories in Azure Dev Ops to Test, Acceptance and Production environments with these Secrets ? Can this be setup dynamically? During this session I will give answers on all of these questions. You will learn how to setup your Azure Key Vault, connect these secrets in ADF and finally deploy these secrets dynamically in Azure Dev Ops.

Recording of my session which I co-presented with Ahmed Mansour on DataSaturdayNL 2019 During this session we will walk you through all the different Tiers in Azure, DTU, Vcore, Serverless and Managed Instance and will provide examples when to use which Tier. We will also show you the Microsoft Data Migration Assesment (DMA). This tool will help you to decide which tier you should choose.

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