My sessions at Pass Data Community Summit

by Jul 22, 2022

A hybrid conference in Seattle and online

This year’s PASS Data Community Summit is more than a conference – it’s a homecoming. Reconnect with old friends, build new relationships, gain new skills, and get the world-class training you need to take that next step in your data career. With 3 different themes, 6 different tracks and 9 Learning Path ways it promises to be a great Summit.


When the Call for Speakers on March 10 was announced, I immediately called my CTO of InSpark, my employer, whether he thought it was okay to send in a number of sessions and whether InSpark could pay for the travel and accommodation costs. The answer was immediatly, awesome. great, do it. It’s very nice to have an employer who facilitates you in this. And the good news is that my colleague Marco is joining me to Seattle.



My Sessions?

First of all, I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email stating that my session had been selected by an independent volunteer Program Committee. But that 3 of my sessions were directly selected is of course absolutely great. I’ve always wanted to speak at the Pass Data Community Summit and it’s a dream come true and definitely one of my bucket list items.

How to use Data Lineage in Azure Purview?

Category: General Session

Location: In-Person

Type: Live Stream

Length: 60-minutes + 15-minute Q&A


The use of data Lineage is a hot topic for many organizations who struggle with answers to the following questions:

  • I want to adjust a measure, but where do I have to adjust it and where does the data come from?
  • What will be the effect on my data if I rename this column in the source?
  • Can I visually overview my Data Estate including how the data has been transformed?

As you can see, data lineage is used for different kinds of backward-looking scenarios, such as troubleshooting, root cause discovery in data pipelines, and debugging. Lineage is also used for data quality analysis, compliance, and ‘what if’ scenarios, often referred to as impact analysis. How can Azure Purview helps us to create these visual overviews to better understand our Data Estate? During this session, I will show you how to enable Data Lineage with Azure Purview, Azure Synapse Analytics, and how to use Custom Lineage components for unsupported data sources.


How to Integrate Azure Purview in Azure Synapse Analytics

Category: Lightning Talk

Location: Online

Type: On-Demand

Length: 10-minutes


In this short talk I’ll show you how to integrate Azure Purview with Azure Synapse Analytics and what extra possibilities you will have of using both Azure Data Services

Data Governance with Azure Purview – Ask the Experts

Category: Panel Session

Location: In-Person

Length: 60-minutes + 15-minute Q&A


This is going to be another very nice session, together with Victoria, Wolfgang and Richard. The first time we did this session was during SQL Bits, we got a lot of interesting and diverse types. Ask the question live during the session or submit your questions in advance here

Pass Data Community Summit

You can still register for the In-person or Online event, just cilck here.

And have a look into all the sessions and pre cons this year

Session Catalog

Pre Cons

In the meantime my flights and hotels are booked and I started the preparation of my sessions. But first things first, it is first time to celebrate holidays with family and friends.

Hopefully I will see you in Seatlle and otherwise online.

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