10 Days of Azure Synapse Analytics

by Dec 9, 2020

10 Days of Azure Synapse Analytics

For the next 10 days, every day a different topic is explained about Azure Synapse Analytics. The shortest and easiest way to see how Azure Synapse Analytics can help you, to make decisions within your data landscape.

10 days of Azure Synapse

Day 1

👉 Unleash the power of predictive analytics in Azure Synapse with machine learning and AI

Day 2

👉 Quickly Get Started with Azure Synapse Studio

Day 3

👉Access and analyze all data from the Data Hub in Azure Synapse Analytics

Day 4

👉Using the Develop Hub with Knowledge Center to accelerate development with Azure Synapse Analytics

Day 5

👉Ingest and Transform Data with Azure Synapse Analytics With Ease

Day 6

👉Explore the Monitor Hub in Synapse Studio to keep track of all activities in your Synapse workspace

Day 7

👉Explore the Manage Hub in Synapse Studio to provision and secure resources

Day 8

👉Analyze and explore data with T-SQL in Azure Synapse Analytics

Day 9

👉Kickstart your Apache Spark learning in Azure Synapse with immediately available samples

Day 10

👉Integrate Power BI with Azure Synapse Analytics

Hopefully it will save you some time this collection of different blogs and will you get that much excited about Azure Synapse Analytics as I am. And like always, in case you have some questions feel free to ask them, I’m more then happy to answer them.

Get started with Azure Synapse Analytics

Do you want to know more on how to get started with Azure Synapse Analytics please read my blog series.

Feel free to leave a comment

1 Comment

  1. vijay

    really its nice Helpfull


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