Speaking at SQLBits in London (postponed to September 2020)

by Feb 3, 2020

SQLBits 2020

SQLBits is the largest Microsoft Data Platform conference in Europe taking place between 29nd September and 3rd October2020 at the Excel London.


Proud to be speaking

I am very proud and happy that one of my sessions was selected for SQLBits. It’s not the first time I will go to SQLBits, but it is the first time I can speak there. Super cool and I am also very proud of it. Great to see so many known people, but also to get to know new people from the #sqlfamily. I will be speaking on Friday October 2nd

The complete schedule can be found here. Tickets are still available here

My Session

Session Title:

Azure Key Vault, Azure Dev Ops and Data Factory how do these Azure Services work perfectly together!

Session Details

Can we store our Connectionstrings or BlobStorageKeys or other Secretvalues somewhere else then in Azure Data Factory(ADF)? Yes you can! You can store these valuable secrets in Azure Key Vault(AKV). But how can we achieve this in ADF? And finally how do we deploy our DataFactories in Azure Dev Ops to Test, Acceptance and Production environments with these Secrets ? Can this be setup dynamically? During this session I will give answers on all of these questions. You will learn how to setup your Azure Key Vault, connect these secrets in ADF and finally deploy these secrets dynamically in Azure Dev Ops. As you can see a lot to talk about during this session.

Do I see you in ExCel London?



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